Welcome to the Suburban Frontier as I share my experiments, successes, and failures while learning more about clean living, organic eating and gardening, and easy and delicious nutrition. I will share what I have learned and recipes along the way. Stop back every day for more fun!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

In the Kitchen - ReGrow Green Onions

This is the MOST amazing thing ever... it ranks up there with the ability to create great quality vanilla yourself!! 

How many times have you wished to have green onions for a recipe or a salad and found you did not have any.  I don't routinely keep them around because I find they do not stay very fresh in my refrigerator so I buy them only when  have an immediate need and then have to pay more for them to be organic.  Such is the case with so much that I am studying and learning to make things myself that are good for us and will save us money and reduce our exposure to processed foods.  So now I found out you can re-grow green onions!!

I made some delicious chicken salad this week as a result of gathering enough chicken stock/broth to get us through the thanksgiving dinner.  (I will make turkey stock after that dinner as well to replenish the stock in my freezer).  So while making the chicken salad, it called for 2 stalks of green onion.

I bought a small bunch at Whole Foods that was organic and used some in the chicken salad and dehydrated the rest, EXCEPT for the ends with the roots.

I put the ends in a small glass of purified water and placed it in my sunny kitchen window.  They looked a little puny Monday afternoon when I first put them in the water but I heard they would regrow and wanted to check that out.
I don't know how well you can see but they are all cut off evenly and submerged in the water.

Now here is the amazing part.  After just a few days they look like this:
I took a close up picture this time because there has been some definite growth there!!  In just a few days I am convinced that I will have a new stock of fresh organic green onions in a couple of weeks. 

The way I understand this is that you can continue to cut them off and use them and they will regrow!!  I am so excited!!  You can wait until they are a bit bigger and plant them in dirt if you want to and they will still regrow you more onions every time you cut them off.   Now I will have fresh onions all the time! 

Are you going to try this in your sunny window?  If you do, just be sure to spring for organic green onions the first time and you will re-grow organic green onions!!  

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