Welcome to the Suburban Frontier as I share my experiments, successes, and failures while learning more about clean living, organic eating and gardening, and easy and delicious nutrition. I will share what I have learned and recipes along the way. Stop back every day for more fun!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Pecan Pie - no corn syrup/no grain option

With Thanksgiving approaching rapidly, I am sure many of you are considering your meal.  If you are like me, you may not be so anxious to eat the marshmallows on the potatoes or the pecan pie made with corn syrup.  I have been struggling planning this big feast of a meal for my extended family because I want to limit the processed foods, feed them things they like, but also keep it as healthy as possible!  Most of my family does not worry about the foods they eat.. not at all like we do in our house.  Many do not pay attention to organic options or even understand what a GMO food is.

It will be a dilemma to feed us all within a budget and please everyone on that day!  My first concern was for the pies.  Crazy as that sounds, if there are no pecan and pumpkin pies here when they all come over, it could get ugly!!  But I have NEVER made a pecan pie without a bunch of high fructose corn syrup to make the filling.  Then I found this recipe and I will definitely try it for Thanksgiving!  I thought if I shared it with you early, you would also have time to use it in your holiday tradition!

I love that there is an option for a grain-free crust as well.  So many people are turning away from grains ...  most do not have Celiac disease or a true reaction to the gluten but they are struggling with the way their body feels after eating wheat and bread products.

You can sure try this gluten-free pie crust as a good alternative.  I am going to bake my pies with a Spelt flour and Palm shortening crust.. it is what is used to bake the Happles pies you see in the frozen section of the grocery store.  Spelt and palm shortening will make a white pie crust and my family will like the traditional look. Wheat flour, as you know, produces food that is a little darker.

Just a note here:  When you sprout wheat or spelt by soaking, you release the phytic acids that are keeping it from germinating and cause the seed to change internally.  Then by grounding those seeds fresh right before you use them in your baked goods, you will probably not have the same gut reactions you are currently having from eating wheat products.  Now this is NOT TRUE for true Celiac Disease sufferers - they have a sort of allergy to Gluten and that cannot be sprouted or soaked out of wheat!  But if you are like me and get a belly ache from breads, try the sprouting and grinding method and see what that does for your gut!  You may not have to eliminate wheat from your diet.

Check out this website for a wonderful pie recipe:  http://deliciouslyorganic.net/?s=pecan+pie

Article printed from Deliciously Organic: http://deliciouslyorganic.net
URL to article: http://deliciouslyorganic.net/pecan-pie-without-corn-syrup-grain-free-paleo/

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