Welcome to the Suburban Frontier as I share my experiments, successes, and failures while learning more about clean living, organic eating and gardening, and easy and delicious nutrition. I will share what I have learned and recipes along the way. Stop back every day for more fun!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Health & Nutrition - Surprising Information about Canola Oil!!

A word about Canola oil and a bit about the oils that ARE good for you.  Up until recently, I always heard that Canola oil was really good for you.  So of course I abandoned all vegetable oils and made the switch to Canola oil.  After all, it is in almost EVERYTHING, so it must be ok, right?  WRONG!!

Imagine my disappointment when I learned that Canola oil was created as a result of genetic engineering the Rapeseed so that it had LESS toxins in order to be fit for human consumption safely.  Now there is Canola oil in EVERYTHING on the shelves.. from bread to salad dressings...  so it must be cheap like high fructose corn syrup and probably as UNHEALTHY!  Here is just a bit of the information I have found on Canola oil.  There is enough information out there to corroborate these claims so I feel confident in presenting these to you and have cited the resources below them.

"The United States, Canada, India, China, Australia, and European Union all grow rapeseed, and visitors to farming regions in these areas of the world often note the fields of tall stalks and bright yellow flowers in the fall and winter. Many countries use genetically modified versions of the plant which have been specially designed to resist herbicides, with the goal of making farming easier. Some people have protested this, arguing that herbicide-resistant crops and genetic modification of crops have serious ethical implications which are not being addressed by the companies which develop them.
Rapeseed oil has both omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, leading some people to suggest that it is a very healthy oil. However, studies have also linked rapeseed oil with some health problems, which would indicate that a closer analysis of rapeseed oil for human consumption may be in order. Because rapeseed is often heavily treated so that it will not go rancid, some of the health benefits may be moot, thanks to the high temperatures and chemicals used in processing."
Quoted from:  http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-rapeseed.htm#

"A variety developed in 1998 is considered to be the most disease- and drought-resistant Canola variety of rapeseed to date. This and other recent varieties have been produced by using genetic engineering. In 2011 96% of the acres sown were genetically modified canola."
Quoted from:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canola
So, SHAME on CANOLA oil for trying to convey itself as a healthy oil and seeping into every food manufactured.  I am sure their business is booming but I am also sure I am not supporting this business.  I have found the 4 best fats for me and my family and listed them below... just for you!

I know that Olive Oil is a wonderful fat... and your body needs good fats.  Good fats HELP your cholesterol and assist your gut in the absorption of many of the fat soluble vitamins, including vitamins A, D, E, and K.  In fact some olive oil in your salad dressing makes your salad more nutritious, not more fattening.  I wish people would quit vilifying fats in general.. we need them!  But the downside of olive oil may be the flavor..  it just does not lend itself well to some uses.

For other cooking uses, I use Coconut oil or butter...

Butter....  yes butter.. NOT margarine or fake butter.. real butter.  Butter is a natural animal fat and while it may not be a good thing to eat in excess, your body "recognizes" butter and can utilize it.  ARTIFICIAL foods (created, manufactured, engineered, modified, "low fat", etc) are not recognized by your body and your body has to struggle to metabolize those.  "Foods" like those actually cause body inflammation and cause people to produce more cholesterol and GAIN WEIGHT!

Coconut oil....  Wonderful oil with a low melting point, soft consistency, and oh so healthy!  I use it to grease my pans, bake with it, make popcorn with it, put it in my shakes, and lots of other times I need a butter or oil substitute.  There are 2 kinds of coconut oils.  One is called refined - this is not as healthy as the other but it tastes better and looks purer.  Unrefined coconut oil has not been processed.  As a result it is healthier for you (remember processing diminishes nutrition) but not as pretty and has a bit more flavor.  There is sometimes sediment present in unrefined coconut oil but I use it in baking whenever I can.

Grapeseed Oil- has now replaced all my canola. It is the only flavorless liquid oil that I know of that is not unhealthy for you.  I use it when liquid oil is the best option but olive oil would change the flavor.

I guess there is a reason why good fats cost a little more money and that is probably the same reason why the bad or cheap fats end up in all the manufactured products on the shelves in stores.  Cut corners, reduce costs, make a cheap product stripped of all of its nutritional content and may even poison people, but make a buck!  That is exactly why I cook most of our foods at home and scrutinize labels.

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