Welcome to the Suburban Frontier as I share my experiments, successes, and failures while learning more about clean living, organic eating and gardening, and easy and delicious nutrition. I will share what I have learned and recipes along the way. Stop back every day for more fun!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fun - A wonderful day for a ride

I can't resist posting this one because I have been so busy lately with cooking, foraging, ebaying, and blogging, that I have not really taken time for me.  Today was the day!

It rained this morning but cleared off to a crisp cloudy 70something day.  Finished with lunch and my first 2 blogs, Mike and I decided to dust off the motorcycles and take a ride.  And I really mean "dust off".  Since we have been working on the flooring in the family room, the whole garage got covered in a wonderful layer of sawdust.  My poor beautiful red motorcycle looked like it had been in storage for years, instead of just unridden for a few weeks.

The air felt good as we got rolling on I-80.  The majority of the dust did blow off during the ride and it was very comfortable and relaxing.  As we rode, I reflected on the Pioneers of long ago taking their horses into town monthly to get provisions.  I am so glad life has changed enough to allow me to ride my own iron horse as a woman!  The feel of the wind, the speed, the control, and the freedom all make me so grateful to be a suburban pioneer!

As we came home along more rural routes than I-80, I was thinking about next spring and summer, when I hope to take those routes looking to forage.  I wondered if there is any way I will ever be able to recognize trees or plants from the roadside in order to have more food experiments that do not include an ER visit.  Haha.  Hope by that time to partner with people who have the ability to identify edible plants!

No matter what keeps you busy all day, remember to make some time just for you and what you enjoy!  It feels good and feeds your soul just as good healthy food feeds your body!  Enjoy!

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