Welcome to the Suburban Frontier as I share my experiments, successes, and failures while learning more about clean living, organic eating and gardening, and easy and delicious nutrition. I will share what I have learned and recipes along the way. Stop back every day for more fun!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Health & Nutrition - Protein Requirements

I have been meaning to write this blog as a source of information about proteins.  While there are three basic nutrients that the body needs for health, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, protein is probably the least understood and least ingested by the typical American.  This is a shame, as protein is required for:
  • Fueling the cells of the body including muscle, bone, and brain (amino acids are the essential building blocks of all human cells)
  • Feeling fuller (protein with a meal will make you feel full longer and help with overeating and weight control)
  • Building and maintaining lean muscle (athletes have understood this for many years, but lean muscle in all of us is necessary to burn calories and keep our metabolism high - the heart is a muscle.. keep it working in tip-top shape by feeding it well)
 Here are the protein requirements per day for:
  •  Infants - 10 grams
  • Teenage Boys and Men - 56 grams per day
  • Teenage Girls and Women - 46 grams per day
  • Pregnant and Lactating women - 71 grams per day
  • Athletes require even more! 
  • Because we are not all the same size, another way to determine your protein requirement is 1 gram of protein per day for every kilogram of body weight.  (A kilogram = 2.2 pounds, so my protein requirement to maintain 155 pounds with this model would be 155 / 2.2 = 70 grams of protein daily)  I would use this model especially if you are active or desire to increase your lean muscle mass or metabolism!
Let's take a look at the amounts and types of proteins typically found in the foods you eat (these are rounded numbers to give an overview- check the nutritional content of your specific food item):
  • Beans and Legumes - about 7 - 8 grams per 1/2 cup serving
  • Eggs - 6 grams per egg
  • Milk -  8 grams per cup
  • Yogurt - 11 grams per cup
  • Cottage Cheese - 15 gram per 1/2 cup serving
  • Salmon - 17 grams per 3 oz serving
  • Tuna - 16 grams per 1/4 cup
  • Oatmeal - 6 grams per cup
  • Chicken/Turkey - about 30 grams per 4 oz serving
  • Beef - about 25 grams for a 3 oz serving
  • Almonds -  6 grams in 1 oz or about 24 nuts
  • Peanut Butter - 4 grams in 1 TBSP
  • My Breakfast Shake - 23 grams per shake
Just to muddy the water a little bit, different proteins are utilized by the body or absorbed at different rates.  What I mean by that is that 1 gram of whey protein (from milk) is absorbed and utilized by the body at 76%, while 1 gram of the protein found in rice or beans is utilized at only 40% by the body.
Here is the breakdown of how well your body can utilize the proteins found in certain foods.  Again, bodybuilders have known this but the typical person has ignored this information in the past.
  • Eggs                                        88%
  • Fish                                         78%
  • Dairy (whey)                          76%
  • Meat                                       68%
  • Soy                                         48%
  • Brown Rice                            40%
  • Red Beans                              39%
  • Coconut                                  38%
  • Nuts                                        35%
  • White Beans                           33%
  • Maize                                      25%
  • Whole Wheat Bread               21%
  • White Bread                            20%
So is this starting to make sense now?  Do you see why folks have long been saying that Fish, Chicken, Whey protein, and eggs are the best sources of proteins?  They are much better used by the body gram for gram.  Not all protein is created equally!

For those of us who are also budget conscious and taste conscious, we have to do our best to feed our body with the right kind of fuel for optimal function!!  And our children, especially need a good quality protein source every day in order to grow and do their best in school.

When is the best time to get your protein?  Well, of course with every meal!!  It keeps you full longer and feeds the body the essential amino acids for proper function!  Starting each day with a good quality and quantity of protein will result in less hunger all day as well.   That is why protein should be eaten for breakfast every day by children and adults alike!!

So how do you start your day?
Toast and jelly?  Bagel?  Coffee? Cereal?  Waffle?  PopTart?  Doughnut?  See the problem here?  What do your children eat when they are running out the door to catch the bus?

Since breakfast is the most important meal of the day, why not start it right?  I know, you are going to tell me you don't have time to make a proper breakfast, right?  Don't let that stop you either. 

Because of everything I have learned about nutrition, I will always start my day with a high quality whey protein shake that also has some good fats, good carbs, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals.  It will be organic and cold processed to preserve the protein content (also called undenatured).  I start my day with 23 grams of this protein every day and make sure Journey does as well.  That is more protein than 2 eggs plus a cup of milk in the morning... and it is fewer calories, filled with vitamins and minerals, and quick and easy!!

I would tell you that as we age, we all lose muscle mass.  Without muscle mass, our metabolism slows down.. sometimes to a crawl.  If you are a woman of more than 50 years old, chances are you just look at food and gain weight!  That is all due to metabolism.  It is not true that it slows down only by virtue of age or hormone changes.  It has to do with the muscle wasting associated with aging in a society that is not eating right.  We try.. yes we do, but we are falling short of the mark, right?  Be honest now.. you are.  You are counting calories and using your calories on foods that taste good and not on foods that fuel you..  I know.  I was there.  Protein is exactly the "secret weapon" I used for weight loss and now use to feel wonderful and keep the weight off.  Take some time and figure your protein requirements and protein intake in a day.  Do some soul searching... are you happy with your metabolism?  If you have any questions or just want to give some input, leave a comment or send me an email (address found in "about me" to the right side of the blog).  I would be happy to help.

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