Welcome to the Suburban Frontier as I share my experiments, successes, and failures while learning more about clean living, organic eating and gardening, and easy and delicious nutrition. I will share what I have learned and recipes along the way. Stop back every day for more fun!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

In the Kitchen - What I learned making Waffles

Yesterday morning we were out of waffles.  That is a big deal in our house.  I try to make up a batch of waffles every so often and freeze some ahead.  Journey is the main waffle-eater at our house and while I usually have her start her day every day with an organic protein shake or bar and mineral juice, sometimes a homemade waffle just sounds wonderful so I let her indulge.

You are probably guessing that I would touch a frozen Eggo with a ten foot pole so I have to make my own.  They are very easy and freeze well so I can always have them in the freezer for a quick grab and heat treat.  My waffle recipe is buckwheat (great for lowering cholesterol and also gluten free - actually not a wheat at all) and buttermilk (can you say cultured dairy - full of good bacteria and healthy stuff) along with some eggs (farm fresh from my friend Shari's hens - she is selling them in the area if you want me to hook you up!)  and some good oil (sometimes coconut, sometimes grape oil).    There is everything right about these tasty waffles.

Here is how my kitchen looks while making a triple batch.. kind of trashed for a little while.  But you probably wanted to know what I learned, don't you?
I call this picture the "Waffle Explosion"

It is about the oil for the waffle iron.  For years I have used a non-stick cooking spray.. don't you have some of that in your cupboard?  I still do.  ugh.. read it... soybean oil, flavoring, whatever aerosol they use... just crap.  Like everything else manufactured for our convenience I guess.  But a waffle iron needs a little help or the waffles stick.  So I make sure and use my pump spray bottles.  If you are still using non-stick spray, consider getting a few of those to fill with your favorite healthy oils.
The one in the middle is the one you don't want to use.

I use the one on the right for my olive oil because it looks like an Italian style bottle (that way I remember what it is).  The one on the left is a Pampered Chef bottle that I keep grape oil in.  All you do is fill them, pump with the lid to build up a little pressure in the bottle and spray.  Cool deal!  They run between $6 and $13, depending on where you get them and can be used for years.  I found the one on the right at HyVee.

Here is another great little trick I learned making waffles yesterday.  It is one of those things that I wonder how I missed all these years so maybe you already know it...  When the waffle comes out of the waffle iron it is kind of limp and a little soggy. I just thought that was the way waffles should be and yet I have had good crisper firmer waffles when I ate out.  I always thought that had something to do with the waffle iron but NO...

Here is the trick:  When you take your waffles out of the waffle iron, lay them on the rack of a preheated oven (350) for a few minutes and they get a little crisper.  They also stay warmer that way if you are serving them for a meal and they hold the syrup well too.. absorbing it perfectly.

To freeze waffles for individual use, lay them single file on a cookie sheet and pop it in the freezer for about an hour to freeze before putting them in a freezer-safe bag or container.  You can pop them in the toaster just like an Eggo (shuddering).  I also use them to make sandwiches for Journey's lunch.  She loves a waffle/nutella or waffle/peanut butter sandwich for lunch!

Have fun making waffles!

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