Welcome to the Suburban Frontier as I share my experiments, successes, and failures while learning more about clean living, organic eating and gardening, and easy and delicious nutrition. I will share what I have learned and recipes along the way. Stop back every day for more fun!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

DIY: Shampoo

Have you ever wondered what you are "washing" with?  When I began to examine the ingredients in soaps, lotions, shampoos, conditioners, shaving creams, etc I discovered things like "fragrance", dyes, parabens, and bunches of stuff that were chemicals that had potential side effects.  If you consider that your skin is the largest organ of your body and it absorbs everything put on it, then the list of ingredients in your personal care products should scare you!

Artificial fragrances have recently been linked to an increase in diabetes.  Chemicals used in personal care products have also been linked to cancers, fibromyalgia, nervous system toxins, and even endocrine system disruption.  Why do they allow them in our products?  For the same reason they put all those chemicals in our foods... we let them! 

I have long straight fine hair.  It usually tangles easily and I have been using shampoo, conditioner, and even detangler spray to manage it.  But those products have been a concern to me.  So I looked for a natural alternative and found one I would like to share with you.


If I could not and would not eat it, why do I let it on my skin?  It gets absorbed in roughly the same way.

Here is the recipe I used today for a shampoo that I learned about.  It was reported to leave hair soft and without fly-away issues. 

1/3 cup castile soap
1/4 cup coconut milk
1 tsp of vitamin E
optional drops of your favorite essential oil.

I mixed it all up this morning in empty shampoo bottle and ran to the shower!  Shake the bottle well after adding the ingredients and shake again before every use. 

I poured some into my hand and studied the milky appearance of it.  I had my doubts right then. I suspected it was too watery to lather or really do much for my hair but even with my long hair, I only had to use about a tablespoon and it lathered wonderfully.  I rinsed my hair and gave it the true test.

Without any conditioner or spray detangler I combed my long wet hair.  I will not try to tell you there were not a few snarls but overall it combed out great without the addition of extra chemicals.  I love how it looks.  It is soft and clean!  It smells great thanks to the addition of some of my favorite smelling essential oil (it only took a few drops for the whole bottle - a double batch).

So I give this shampoo recipe a "thumbs up" and will be sharing it with Journey tomorrow! 

By the way, this is the first morning after my shower that my back has not been "itchy" thanks to the natural ingredients in my shampoo!!  I am so excited!!

Next up will be a batch of homemade shaving cream since my poor husband does not need shampoo... he shaves his head bald every morning.  :)  Plus I would rather shave my legs in the shower with coconut oil, olive oil, and cocoa butter. 

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