Welcome to the Suburban Frontier as I share my experiments, successes, and failures while learning more about clean living, organic eating and gardening, and easy and delicious nutrition. I will share what I have learned and recipes along the way. Stop back every day for more fun!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

In the Kitchen - My new secret weapon - Buttermilk

I don't think I ever felt I had a need for buttermilk.  Just never used it and never even thought about it.  I heard in the distant past that it was good in pancakes so I used to "make my own" by adding some lemon juice to milk.  That worked I guess...

But then I discovered real cultured buttermilk. 

Oh my goodness... so sorry I missed it all these years!  It is now my magic ingredient!  I first used a bit in my buttermilk ranch dressing.  Here is the recipe:  http://www.thenewsuburbanpioneer.blogspot.com/2013/02/in-kitchen-homemade-buttermilk-ranch.html
Then I used some in buttermilk buckwheat waffles for Journey (huge hit!).  Then I added a little bit to my molasses cookie batter and made the best ever molasses cookies with just the right soft consistency and smooth flavor.  They were the best I ever made and it is all thanks to that buttermilk!

Now real cultured buttermilk is my new best friend in the kitchen.  As a cultured product, it has good nutritional value and as a flavor and texture enhancer it can't be beat.  I am still not to the point that I desire to drink it but I know plenty of people who do!  I bought an organic quart of the good quality cultured buttermilk to use and then I discovered that they even sell "fake buttermilk"...  So when you are shopping, make sure and read the label and see that it lists "cultured buttermilk" or "buttermilk culture" on it and in the ingredients.  Otherwise you are getting the fake stuff. 

Then I found out that I never have to buy buttermilk again... but how?  Because when you introduce 1 cup of REAL cultured buttermilk to 3 cups of milk and let it sit on the counter for about 24 hours in a glass jar with a lid, your milk will turn into buttermilk and keep in the refrigerator for a few weeks! 

WOW... now I am in habit of making my own ketchup, bbq sauce, cream of mushroom soup, yogurt, and now BUTTERMILK!  I vow to keep some on hand all the time! 

Making buttermilk is not hard.  In case you need some directions, here they are. 

Pour one cup of cultured buttermilk into a glass jar (I love my canning jars... I have many of them with various concoctions in them)
Pour in 3 cups of milk.
Shake it and let it sit out for about 24 hours.  A warm place is best.  I just leave mine by the stove on the counter. You can tell when it is done because it will kind of coat the inside of your glass jar when you tip it.  It gets thicker than regular milk. Keep it in that same glass jar and keep it in the refrigerator for a few weeks.  


Just make sure and take the last cup of your buttermilk to add to fresh milk and make some more!  The never-ending supply....   Don't worry if you don't have a full cup at the end.  The important part is the ratio you use... for every 1 part of buttermilk, you add 3 parts of milk. 

Have you heard of Creme Fraiche?  I had not until recently and I think it is some fancy sour cream... lately I see it for sale at Whole Foods...  but wait...  if you use whole milk that is not hemogenized like Picket Fence whole milk, you may get a layer of cream on top in your jar.  This is also cultured now and that is what Creme Fraiche is.... So if you use Creme Fraiche or know how to use it, for one thing, please share, and for another thing, watch for it on top of your homemade buttermilk!

 The things this city girl DID NOT and still DOES NOT KNOW!!!!   It astounds me daily!!  Have fun in the kitchen.  Eat fresh, eat whole foods and stay healthy!

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